
What should you do when your second grade students bring you "gifts" from their house?

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Sometimes the kids bring me "gifts" which are obviously things they've taken from around the house, like a bottle of after shave, chapstick, a donut or something else random.

Today a little girl walked up and handed me a container of bath beads and said, "This is for your wife".

I normally just give it back to them, but it's really hard because they act completely crushed even when I nicely try to say, "Oh, that's so nice of you, but I don't want Mommy or Daddy to be sad that their <insert item> is gone".

Opinions? Suggestions?




  1. graciously accept the gift.  after school contact parents let them know what item their child has brought to you.  let the parents know you appreciate the kindness of the gift, but you want to make sure it is o.k. for the child to have given the gift &amp; that you want to preserve the childs dignity, so if the parents do not approve - make arrangement to return gift so child will not have feelings hurt.  as their teacher you are someone they care for and respect - to have you &quot;give back&quot; their gift could hurt their young feelings.  they must like you - so be careful of their feelings.  :)

  2. save the stuff in your desk and return it on parent-teacher night.

  3. I always make a big deal over whatever item it is.  I look at it, smell it, etc.  Then I tell them how much I appreciate it and love it and give them a big hug and thank them.  I set it out on my desk all day long so everyone can see whatever it is.  Then at the end of the day I call the student over and quietly tell them that I really love the gift, but that I really think mom or dad would like it, too, and I suggest they take it back home.  This almost always works because they got the attention they wanted at the beginning of the day and usually by the end of the day they&#039;ve thought about it long enough that they know they should take it back home!  If they still insist, I hang onto it and call mom and let her know I have whatever it may be!

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