
What should you eat before a big exam?

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What should I eat for breakfast before taking a big test like the SAT or ACT?

I want to be full and I know eating breakfast is a very important factor in test taking. Help me out.




  1. my teachers have always told me that cheese is great for thinking.  Avoid too much breads b/c bread takes a long time to breakdown and requires a lot of energy, this will ultimately make u tired.  Chocolate can give you headaches, so basically you should eat cheeses, multi-vitamin cereal, and nuts for protein.  Good-luck :)

  2. Eat healthy stuff such as fruits, oats, toast,eggs,OJ,etc.  something to keep you wide awake

  3. A light full breakfast.  Maybe with fruit to release sugar slowly to keep you going.  Some fiber from cereal or whole grain bread.

    Nothing yucky though, like bad for you foods.

  4. good breakfast in the morning and right before a bar of chocolate which will provide energy.  mars bars are the best form and drink lots of water before and during the exam.  good luck


  5. Oatmeal and a banana and a balance bar for a snack there worked for me

  6. Eggs (omlets ok), toast, a piece of fruit or juice, and milk or yogurt.

    Take some pepermints with you. They help with memory, and will comfort you.

  7. weed lololol Jk

    fruits are good

  8. Apparently almonds are really good for helping you remember things so eat those while you're studying.

  9. hmmm, only food for breakfast

    as said earlier by one of the answerer that almonds are good, so right! especially if you soak them in luke warm water overnight and then in the morning peel off their skin and eat 7 of those, they are a sure ingredient to prepare you for the BIG exam

    + we've always been given a banana to eat just before entering the examination hall in school b'cos apparently they're suppose to be good in aiding you during the exam

    and yeah if possible, swallow some confidence and try not to be nervous,, this too shall pass

    and All the best!!


  10. green tea to hide stuff that you smoke if you shouldn't be and I repeat IF YOU SMOKE  Marijuana it's not good

  11. I would say that you should eat some stuff that your mom says that's good for you

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