
What should you eat the week before a sprinting race?

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I have a sprinting race final on tuesday (today is sunday) and i want to know what i should eat before the race?

Also if anyone has any good sprinting tips then that would be appreciated =)




  1. In Olympics, the Jamaica guy won the sprint 100m in 9 secs and 59milisecs.  He broke the world record and was the fastest guy on earth. When he started the race, he put his head down and ran high knee. He continued it until the race ended. IMPORTANT TIP: don't stop running. You should eat food that are filled with carbohydrates. In my biology book, it said that runners load up foods with carbohydrate so they can make more carbon dioxide go out more easily. My teacher said that noodles, bread and other food are filled with carbohydrate.  BTW,Good Luck on your sprinting race final on tuesday!!!!

    May God bless you!!!


  2. This depends on the time of day that your race will be. Carb loading (noodles, breads, etc) are great for distance runners, not so much for sprinters. Still, a good carb meal will be great if your sprint is in the afternoon. If it is in the morning, I guarantee you will feel heavy. Just a regular meal for dinner (chicken with rice for example) will get you through the night and maybe a small serving of fruit before bed. If your race is in the morning, DO NOT EAT A CARB BREAKFAST!!! (that means cereal, bagels, toast, etc.) You will feel like trash for your race. Get some Propel, Smartwater or regular water and drink that with a banana. That will help to keep you light and give you the energy you need to do your best. If your race is mid morning (10ish), you can eat something small, preferably a power or clif bar with your banana to tide you over. This has to be done early though (3 hours before your race), or you will suffer the effects. Hydration and stretching are the two most important things for you. Make sure your spikes are tight in your shoes, they are the right length for the surface and your blocks are adjusted for you. Bring some food for after the race. Enjoy yourself and be sure to cheer on the rest of your team once you win!

  3. Eat lots of carbohydrates. Energy drinks and water. Don't eat 2hours before a race though  

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