
What should you have done?

by  |  earlier

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and what did you do instead?

Poll: Naughty or nice?




  1. Let them know I knew the truth. Walked away and acted like I believed them.


  2. I did everything I was suppossed to  :)

    naughty..when in the mood

  3. i should have stood up to her earlier instead of letting her step all over me and take advantage of me

  4. I should have stayed for a couple more hours and made the night even more memorable for her. After the sixth or seventh time, I gets harder and harder.

  5. Have discontinued our relationship when I knew she was lying about very many things.

    Ended up sleeping with her again after I knew the real deal with her, which further complicated things for me.


  6. I should have had fruit loops.

    I had shredded wheat instead.


    Nice. :]

  7. i shouldnt have cared so much, but instead i cared too much.

    im naughty and nice.

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