
What should you say to your boss when he calls you by the wrong name even though you have a name tag on?

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What should you say to your boss when he calls you by the wrong name even though you have a name tag on?




  1. Depends. If your boss recognizes that you are doing a really good job for them you need to find a delicate way making your real name known. Maybe asking or mentioning it to someone you know well that is the same or close to the same rank as your boss.

    Then on the other hand, if you're really s******g things up let him go thinking the wrong name. ;)

  2. Go into his office and make sure you are alone, becasue i would be emmbaraced if i told him in public. then in a very polite manner say exsuse me Mr. _________, i noticed that lately you have been calling me by the incorrect name, and i would apreciate it if you called me (place your name here)

  3. i would ignore him till he gets the name right.  if he gets rude and asks why you're ignoring him say "Oh, you were asking 'Tim' a question.  I thought you were talking to a Tim, even though we don't have one on staff here.  My name is Robert.  Do you want me to answer the question that you directed to Tim?"

    let's face it, if the guy can't remember your name, he's a moron.  and you don't want to work for a moron.  the sooner you get out of there, the better.

  4. As soon as he says the wrong name, look him in the eye and say your name. Don't make it a bigger deal than what it is.

  5. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say he couldn't 'see' your name on the name have the right to correct him in a professional way.  Then go about making sure that you do such a good job he will never, ever forget your name again.  To be honest, there are some men in the corporate world who still think so little of the people at the bottom of the pole that their names are not even important.  Hopefully, this is not the case with your job and position.  I certainly would not work for a company that did not respect me enough that the management staff can't call be by my name.  But - that's just me.  

  6. either behave in the same way as he called your name correctly or ignore him

  7. I usually do a very casual -lite hearted "Who?!" And they usually figure it out...

  8. In a polite and professional manner you can correct him.  He may be your boss, but you do have a name tag on and he should at least have the common courtesy of calling you by your correct name.  Good luck!!

    Peace & Love  :)

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