
What should you say when you notice that a gentleman's "Fly" is open?

by  |  earlier

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Or, say nothing at all and just wait to see what happens.




  1. "Your plane seems to be leaving the hanger."

  2. I'd say " hey dude your d**k's popping out".... i like to use the shock

  3. Your barn door is open

  4. the cows are getting out of the barn, there buddy.

  5. "WoooooooHOOOOO!!!! ya babe! I thought it would be a little smaller than That!!!"  

  6. I say "Well hello there."  I'm just friendly like that.

  7. As a women, do or say nothing, let one of his buddies tell him. He is going to think you were checking his bulge out, which women do, but never get caught doing. You ladies are smooth operators with your eyes.


  8. I wouldn't tell him & see what happens.

  9. *cough* you might wanna.....*eyes down*

    gosh im sooo british!

  10. Have we been showing off the Prince Albert?

  11. Your fly's down. Simple, to the point.

  12. excuse me..but you mite want to close the barn before the horse gets out  

  13. after i take a little looksie then i would politely tell him

  14. Excure me....your zipper is open

  15. "check your zipper"

    ...though around here (Pittsburgh area) we say, "Kennywood is Open" but that's a local thang

  16. look down south and bring it back to the north.

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