
What shouldI know about Germany before being a summer home stay student?

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What shouldI know about Germany before being a summer home stay student?




  1. Not a whole lot I can tell you, but I do know that German people tend to be more reserved towards strangers than americans are.  Also, adults expect alot more respect than adults in america do. Plus, I think you can drink and smoke at any age. (I lived there when I was in 2nd-5th grade, and a couple of times my friends and i bought cigarettes and we were only 8)  Good Luck and don't get into any trouble! =)

    If you have any more specific questions, E-mail me.

  2. maybe you should read a book about it, that's a really large topic you talkin about but since i live in germany I can answer u any specific question, just email me if you wanna know sth.

  3. 1. You're there as a guest.  Don't expect things to be the same as home or why bother leaving?

    2.  Germans can be both very polite and very rude, very serious and very funny. Formalities are big.  Always refer to them as "Mr." or "Mrs." until they tell you otherwise.  Don't expect customer service when you're in shops and banks.  They hate superficiality so they take their time in making friends, although if you're a young student, they'll probably cut you some slack.  When you've got a friend, though, you've got one for life.

    3.  Things are expensive, but German quality (i.e. really made in Germany, not China) is excellent.

    4.  Europe is wonderfully geared for students.  They place education on a high place.  Museums, concerts, transit all have discounts.  Bring your student ID card and show it everywhere.

  4. Maybe you shouldn't ask so many questions and just give yourself and us Germans a chance to try, would you? We have campfires and Bratwurst, but we also have internet access, so if you're in trouble, come back and ask. If it's serious, there will be a hundred people with firearms and molotow cocktails to help you out. Just call on us, we'll be with you, no matter what the cause.

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