
What shouldi give my daughter for lunch?

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SHe is so picky. SHe doesnt like sandwhiches and does not eat the school lunch she is in the 6th grade, Any ideas




  1. Well here a few suggestions:


          A soup Thermos,carrots,chips,and some kind of desert

          A bagel with cream cheese,celery,popcorn,cake

  2. I still lunchables for lunch at home on the weekends. They make all kinds: pizza, tacos, nachos, chicken nuggets, burgers, etc.

  3. Haha. Mine is in 5th and brings Cream Cheese Bagel and Carrot sticks and Apple slices with caramel, etc

    Those meals are ridiculous , i get them now and again, but for 2.69, you can get a whole BOX of crackers. cheese and pepperonie...and they can eat on it all week

  4. Maybe cheese and crackers and some fruit.

  5. Yogurt, fruit and nuts?

  6. picky kids will eat anything when they're hungry

    so don't worry about their high maintance tastes

    buy food that she can take

    so try different types of breads, fruits, etc

    you know, they're breads that have a honey nut taste to them and they are healthy

    or pita bread, or bagels, etc

    don't give her junk food, or money to buy junk food

    and since she's in 6th grade

    she's old enough to make her own lunches so that you don't have to worry whether she'll eat it or not

    however, make sure she eats and eats healthy

    (i have a brother in 7th grade who was close to anorexia since he also tends to be picky, we have to make sure everyday to check his lunch, and we take him to the market with us)

    hope this helps :)

  7. yogurt fruit snacks left overs

  8. try bagels with cream cheese and/or chocolate chips. try cous cous, noodles, or soup in one of those thermos things. i hate my school lunch too. good luck!

  9. The trick is to still make it balanced. A great site is . Biggie feeds a 3 year old so picky isn't a problem. The bentos can take a bit of time to make, but she's old enough to help you with her lunch. Having a hand in it could make it easier for her and more fun.

  10. Tuna salad filled pittas and fruit and maybe a sesame bar (tiny).?

    Crackers and tiny pot of butter and pate?

    Meatloaf slices and salad and fruit?

    Tuna pasta salad and fruit and seed selection?

  11. go to this site for some yummy ideas

  12. Either left-overs from dinner, or if she is a kid that likes snacks, just chop up lunch meat, carrots, broccoli, fruit etc throw in some dip and you are set.

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