
What shouldn't I miss in Toronto?

by Guest32756  |  earlier

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I'm visiting Toronto in 10 days. I'll actually live there for a month, so I have plenty of time. What shouldn't I miss in Toronto?


- Niagara Falls

- CN Tower

- Canada's Wonderland





  1. *rogers centre

    *aircanada centre

    *bata shoe muesum (if ur into shoes)

    *ontario place

    *casa loma

    *wonder around downtown toronto...plenty of shops

  2. I have been to Canada many times.  I love Niagara Falls.  CN Tower was also very nice.

  3. The ROM (Royal Ontario Museum).

  4. the SHOPPING! I go there every summer just to shop! (and visit my aunt...)

  5. There's so much to do here, but it really depends on your taste.

    We have the R.O.M. (Royal Ontario Museum) if you're in to that.

    If you like shopping and upbeat unique clothing you should definitely check out Queen st W and Spadina as well since they intersect...a pretty cool china town where they filmed Kung Fu with David Carradine  lol...King Noodle is a pretty good place to eat on Spadina IMO if you like Chinese food.

    There are tons of concerts and shows you can see...too many to name (seriously) so just pick up a free newspaper that you can find almost everywhere downtown. The paper's called "Now" and it has a pretty good fill of events in T.O. (alot of bands).

    You should definitely check out Toronto Island.

    It's also a pretty nice walk on lakeshore, where you can go see Ontario place (not that good's like a downhill version of wonderland).

    You should check out Medieval times too! I've lived here all my life and I still haven't gone there yet haha.

    If you're in to sewing you you should check out the fashion district.

    It seems like you're not bound downtown so you should go to mississauga and check out playdium and square one (if you're in to malls and a pretty modern, club like arcade with go karts and batting cages etc.

    You should look up Kensington Market downtown and have some Mexican food at any place there and check out the shops there (Also close to queen and spadina).

    Oh and there's the science center! I know it sounds nerdy but it's actually pretty fun going there. Last year they had a Marvel Comics exhibit.

    There's a lot lol...I haven't even skimmed the surface.

    I hope you have fun here!

  6. ontario place

    check out a blue jays game

    toronto island

    just wonder downtown, i live there and always find that fun

    go to bloor street, near bay.. amazing shops there

    yorkville mall (usually can find celebs there)

    eaton center

  7. ontario place, toronto island, and wander downtown there is so many shops, fort york, rogers centre, air canada centre,bike trails,muesums

  8. The ROM, Ontario Place, downtown shops.

  9. Check out the neighbourhoods!  Greektown, Little India, and the Beach are essential Toronto experiences

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