
What show do u believe is more true ghost hunters or paranormal state?

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What show do u believe is more true ghost hunters or paranormal state?




  1. I believe both have elements of fiction and fantasy, but Ghost Hunters is by far more realistic.  At least those guys make an effort to keep their feet on the ground.  The Paranormal State people aren't even on Planet Earth.

  2. I gotta give grim the thumbs up as well.  But for my part, the more credible would have to be Ghost Hunters....Luke L. have my vote as well, but PS is entertainment as I see it, not as serious.

  3. I'm afraid Little Grim pretty much summed it up already. Paranormal State is just religious belief repackaged into a paranormal show, and Ghost Hunters is much better but still it's a TV production where the object is to entertain. So take everything with a grain of salt. Or a silo of salt in some cases.

  4. Ghost Hunters...Paranormal State seems really staged in ways....I like that on Ghost Hunters, sometimes things don't happen, makes it more believable for me, because ghost have their own agenda...

  5. I have problems with both shows.  First is what is the thing about turning of the lights.  Every ghost I have seen was in the light.  When they are talking to the people that witnessed the ghosts, they saw them in the light.  It reminds me of telling ghost stories in the dark when we were kids, and someone always grabs someone else to make them scream.  On Ghost Hunters they always have the stupid camera pointed at the hunters not the ghost they are looking for.  On Paranormal State the religious overtones are like having to put up with Jehovah Witnesses, you don't want to be rude but just wish they would shut up and go away.  I like watching both, but I like the way the Ghost Hunters use so much hi-tech equipment and review all the stuff better. I like the uses of a psychic on Paranormal State too.  We use psychics a lot in our group.

  6. Ghost Hunters, hands down.  I have only watched Paranormal State a few times.  I do not like how they only do EVP work at 3am and call it dead time.  You can  get EVP in the middle of the day, in the morning, any time.  And their stories always make sense.  I have yet to work a case where everything ties together and forms a perfect story.  Oh, and they always chase away the so called problem ghosts and it is a happy ending.  Or they say things like "Leave or we'll make you leave."  How?  You can not make a ghost do anything it does not want to do.  Like I said.  Ghost Hunters hand down.

  7. Finally- someone else asked this question! My family watches both and so the debate has been going on for a while now. I, personally, believe Ghost Hunters to be more true because they don't always find something substantial. Paranormal State is just a bunch of kids who think that even the smallest thing is paranormal. Ghost Hunters has better more up-to-date equiptment and they are also more credible. So yeah, obviously I vote for Ghost Hunters. :)

  8. I was waiting for a question like this. I think both are true. I love them both and both gave me the knowledge I have about the paranormal. The only thing is ghost hunters just happens to catch more because they show that process of analyzing the evidence. You don't see much of that on Paranormal State though.

  9. Unfortunately I have to agree with Little Grim, BUT Ghost Hunters although heavily scripted, do appear to capture what appears to be genuine evidence in most cases. Of course a little sensationalism is going to be included otherwise it would be looked at as a very B grade kind of program. Plus the networks in order to maintain ratings and keep the particular channel in business, are most likely almost enforcing them to script some things (not the evidence parts though we hope) As for Paranormal State, this show is totally unwatchable by any of our 11 group members. It is a complete embarrassment to the field of us Paranormal Investigators, and gives the cynics and critics more ammo for them to disprove or criticise paranormal investigations as being a waste of time etc..So in saying all this, its Ghost Hunters for the win :)

  10. Being someone who is a "ghost hunter".. The one I see being close to facts, Paranormal State.. Don't get me wrong I watch both and love them.. But Paranormal hits more things that really happen don't always write it all off as something else..

  11. I think Ghost Hunters is more true

    Not only do they take their work seriously but they have made a whole "ghost hunters family" across the U.S.

    They work with many local groups in different states

    That is how you know its not just a big TV stunt

    If it was why would they continue research off camera?


  12. I haven't seen the other show, but I've heard that it and that other Most Haunted are a bit fake and forced. I don't really even have any interest in seeing them, even if I did have the channels.

    On the other hand I appreciate TAPS's (Ghost Hunters) approach, going in with the thought to debunk things and only accepting things that actually have the potential to be legit. I dislike the types who act over dramatic over "orbs" and other stuff as if it's anything, or who jump to conclusions instead of trying to figure out if there are other explanations or not.

    Sure the phone calls, etc are scripted. As are getting witnesses that recount experiences, etc. But that's just normal show stuff. The investigation is the meat and potatoes of the show, and as long as it's original footage of them doing their thing, that's the part that matters I see no reason to call the whole thing scripted or fake. They have no control  over what Scifi (or whatever company it is) does with editing or wants them to do to stage phone calls, etc, to make a story out of the episode. Their part of the deal is in the investigation.

  13. Neither. Both groups were real at one time, until unreality TV got ahold of them.

    Ghost Hunters - First of all, we must remember that it is on the Science-FICTION Channel. While they go to real places, events are scripted. For example look at season one. Donna gets a call and says to Jason, "You will never believe who just called." Well behind her had a dry erase board that already had the haunting location listed. Despite their claims to be "the only ones on site", gee how are those cameras following them around? The Sci-Fi always has a full camera crew with them, filming and who knows what else. Sci-Fi also mandates that they debunk 50% of the cases. How can you provide an unbiased investigations if you are told upfront what the results have to sum up to.

    Paranormal State - There intro states that they receive hundreds of cases a year but only select the most severe. This is highly unlikely. First, most groups receive 2-3 dozen requests a year on a good year. A group of college students is likely to receive less. Plus, in practically every case they are able to call in big named psychics or specialists within the paranormal community. While these people may be happy to make a television appearance, they generally do not come to an amateur ghost hunting groups' case with a simple invite. Thus, it is highly improbable that they were there originally, but they make great additions in the so-called reinactments.

    These programs are wonderful for entertainment value, but they should be treated as just that. TV programs are all about ratings and dollars and sensationalism (to bring in higher ratings and bigger dollars). Both programs are far from being documentaries.

  14. Ghost Hunters is without a doubt the best show. Jason, Grant, and the others show more experience. They include tidbits of information about basic ghost hunting and the humorous moments are entertaining (Dude, run!). Paranormal State is geared to a bit younger and different type of audience. They don't have the professional experience of Ghost Hunters. However, I will say that the main ghost hunter on Paranormal shows sincerity and his consulting medium (Coffey - name?) adds interest to the show.

    Personally I will watch any show about ghosts and that includes Most Haunted, Spirit Mediums (I love those ladies!), Ghostly Encounters, A Haunting, and others.

  15. I think Ghost Hunters.  They go into a place looking to debunk stuff.  Paranormal State goes in looking for stuff to happen.  You can see and hear anything when you think it's going to.

  16. I'm going to go with Ghost Hunters, I really like their methods and approach. I like how they go in trying to look at all the possibilities and they don't just assume everything is paranormal.

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