
What show do you like better?

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or raw




  1. Raw's got the best superstar's now, except it's missing Taker.

  2. raw, smackdown has been better lately , when tna signs mick foley raw will start getting better.

  3. no its for f**s

  4. raw cause its live and its more entertaining

  5. usually i go with



    but this week's edition of ecw beat raw. u had super crazy and evan bourne both very good highflyers in the same team. then u had the mark henry vs matt hardy match it showed me that mark CAN wrestle (somewhat) because theres was a lot of wrestling involved in this matches first match had excitement coming from evan bourne and super crazy both doing aerial moves to the outside of the ring.

  6. Smackdown

  7. 1sd



  8. 1.Smackdown



  9. RAw is the best show in the WWE no doubts about it all there is a bunch of superstarn with that i men people that can b in a main event like:Y2J,Michaels,Cena(I dnt like him but hes a big deal in WWE),Kane,Punk and The Animal.Althought SD is getting pretty good now that it has HHH,Taker,Jeff and Edge Raw still the best show in the WWE maybe cuz is the 1 that Vince cares about the most.

  10. RAW!!!!!

  11. RAW may be the flagship brand with the great wrestlers, but they don't use them wisely. We see the main eventers there face eachother all the time and it gets boring. Even though Smackdown's GM is Vickie Guerrero, she uses the main eventers there wisely and puts them in challenging matches against different opponents (Except Triple H, he needs to be treated better). Therefore my favorite is Smackdown.

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