
What show is more fake The x Effect or Parental control?

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They both are so staged.




  1. Dudes no!!! Parental control is AWESOME. The X Effect is super lame

  2. parental control i seen the same guy on next im sure  

  3. X Effect, because supposedly nobody knows that the ex and their new significant other is on the "vacation" too, but if that's the case, how did it get set up? How did they know who to bring on the show?

  4. I think parental control is more staged. i dont think there is any way in heck that a real parent would let the boyfriend/girlfriend of their kid treat them so badly. the bf/gf is always very rude and down grading of the other and not to mention the things they say to the parents is ridiculous! someone would get punched in the face if they ever talked to me or my parents like that! lol

    the x effect is probably staged too. but it may be real. all you have to do in give them temptations and they will create enough drama for the show. i dont think its completely fake.

  5. Date my Mom is the most actually because a girl will say make sure u tell him i ... and then the guy will go has she ever.... so lame and staged

  6. The X Effect is really lame....and very set up I agree.

    Parental Control is also very staged BUT it can be quite funny. Once in a while there are real moments of weird comments, facial expressions and really funny come backs that have made everyone snicker including the person being insulted.....One father got to be quite creepy and the Mother and the current girlfriend both got mad at him because he got worse and worse. It was gross but funny.

    X effect is a lot more fake. Same scenario each time, same temptations and typical reactions. Nothing but re runs now too.

    take care.

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