
What shud I attractive woman is after me..

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Hi..i am 23..quite average looking...i never was good at attracting d opposite s*x...growing up i had self esteem issues coz of being made fun of my appearance nd being called ugly by friends n 4 d first time in my life,I am being pursued by a stunningly attractive woman and shes really into feels so strange coz i can't figure out why she would be attracted to a guy like me with no looks....i also feel that i don't deserve to date an attractive woman coz i am not attractive enough...this sounds strange of do i could rid of this mental block which was ingrained into me during my teenage years....and yes,I am also very much interested in her but don't feel comfortable hanging out with her as i feel self conscious....plz help.




  1. Contrary to popular belief, women aren't necessarily attracted just to looks.

    Many women are into who the guy is, not just what he looks like.

    Be yourself, (obviously she likes that, otherwise, you wouldn't have a shot), why would you ever consider feeling self conscious, SHE CHOOSE YOU!!!



  2. hey dude  do ur self a favor  u need to let it go  what u need to do is hang out with her at a place where you are extremly comfortable like your house or ur favorite coffe shop or wherever  that way you can let the familiarness you enviroment overtake the problem of the mental block she already digs you so the hard part is taken care of  you just need to get over this little hitch   i had the same problem so dont worry this isnt as big of a problem as u think it is   if u need nething esle email me

  3. Well... its really hard for you to make a choice.  From what you describe here i can probably try to guess a little bit about you...  First of all... let me tell ya...  i think you are a very nice person, that has a lot of values, that is very smart and that also is very HONEST,  hard working and with moral character.  You have to understand that many women that are good looking tend to have exactly the opposite... theres a saying in some contries in latin america that goes... "La suerte de la fea, la bonita la desea"  It means that (i hope i dont sound rude not my intention im trying to translate here lol) The cute girls wish they had the luck of the not so cute ones. If you think about it, its easier for them to catch a good looking guy because, well... they are good looking.  Stereotipically speaking cute girls always go for the college quarteback (when they are in high school if you know what i mean), and sometimes the stereotype of a quarterback is... well... not that apealing to someone that is more mature and who's maybe looking for something with a little more depth than just "Good looks".  A lot of people go through a lot of s*** until they realize what they value.  At least thats the way i see it.

    Now. the thing about you not deserving... Dude !   if there is some one in the world now a days that deserves something for being a good person with all the qualities that i just mentioned that you have (again im guessing but im pretty darn sure)  is YOU!.  She knows that overall you are a good guy... maybe she's been hurt in the past by "the quarterback" type.  Maybe she's more into you because of the way you think.  Or maybe, just maybe, she just wants to get to know you better because she see's all of that you are (and that you probably dont realize  yet).  She see's you as a person that will be honest and wont play with her and her feelings.  

    Catch my drift?

    Now THIS is your chance.  Call it faith, call it luck, call it whatever... Want to get "rid of this mental block" ?.  Start by looking at her not only on the outside.  I never once read here how she was as a human being.  THAT IS WHAT MATTERS AT THE END.  that is how she looks at you don you think? When we grow old? we are not going to have the body we have now.  We will just have our minds and our hearts, and hopefully our life partner with us to talk about the good old days and laugh.

    LIVE LIFE... Take a chance... dont judge by looks, dont judge YOURSELF by looks or by what happened in the past.  Your past is a huge hurdle that can only be surpassed by your present and your future.  If you decide to take a chance... NOW is the time.

    I wish you luck my friend and I sincerely hope that you are strong enough to conquer your fears and find out who YOU really are.



    P.S. "The only way to erase the past is by living in the present"

  4. Let yourself go with the flow.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, she must see something she likes.  Good luck to you.

  5. first of all you should tell her about this because if you keep acting the way you do she will think you are not interested and move on.  

  6. if she loves u she loves everything about u!!! she probably doesnt want u 2 change cuz she loves u 4 who u r so id say go out with her!!! have a wonderful relationship and u deserve a wonderful girl like this

  7. If she's into you, just go with it.  Appreciate it for what it is.  If you're that curious, ask her what she sees in you.  

    Honestly, I'd hope that looks don't factor into either of your choices.  They don't factor into mine; I've had boyfriends that I thought were the most attractive men I knew, and also some who...well, they made me look good, anyway ;-p  I think the one that had the best personality was somewhere in the middle.  

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