My 14 yr old freind was proposed by her mother's friend who is 46!!!!!She says the guy is crazy about her and wants to marry her as soon as she is ready!
she is pretty sure he is not kidding around, because he is risking 25 years of friendship with her mother and also his social reputation!
she totally trusts him because he has not misbehaved with her even when they were alone together in a room with the door locked...
If her mother knows abt how her friend feels abt her daughter, she would literally kill him..
she still talks to him and also calls him pretty often.
she also told me she is worried if she might feel attracted to him.
Thou my friend is only 14, she looks 27...
this guy loves her for all she has...her face, her figure, her heart, her all.......she was totally shocked by somethings he said but she still likes him as a person and hopes that they can still be freinds..
he is a pretty nice man with a gud social we are not sure abt what exactly he is thinking!