
What side effects of prednisone or imuran (DRUGS) have you experienced?

by  |  earlier

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MY father is undergoing treatment, taking these too drugs for crohn disease. he had Stevens Jhonson syndrome because of imuran (most probably ) and recently release from hospital. but it seems he has to take imuran for the duration of the next 12 months. he's not quite himself lately and i'd like to know which is due to drugs and which to.. well, just being my father.

(upon release, his chart stated also other complications like anemya, liver problems due to medication, mouth candida and others - should I worry about those too?? ) ( it never ends... )




  1. As long as they are drugs, there will be side effects, Prednisone also have side effects, see the reference.

  2. prednisone cause thin skin which tears easily and it helped to kill my mother i lost her last year - i would try anything but steriod for a illness if possible - they are killers when taken for a super long time  

  3. I too have crohn's and have, in the past, taken prednisone but no longer.  I only ever took short courses (6-8 wks) when I had a flare up.  I am on imuran, and have been for several years, and that seems to be the accepted treatment for crohn's disease although it is often paired with infusions of infliximab (Remicade).  Your father should discuss the issues he is having with his gastroenterologist.  The anemia may be simply dealt with by taking iron supplements and B complex.  I never had liver problems due to my meds.  Mouth candida could be due to meds but again, I have never dealt with it.  The dosages and other related medical history was not mentioned so it is quite possible that your suspicions are valid.  Of course he's not himself - no matter what, his body is turning on him.  That alone will cause behavioural issues.  Have patience but encourage him to discuss all these issues with his doctor.

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