
What side of the brain does mathematics use?

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Heck had no idea where to stick this question




  1. The inside!!! HEHEHEHE

  2. Depends on the type of maths, the right side of your brain is generally for logical thinking and the left side is generally for creative thinking (it's a bit more intricate than that but you get my drift). Also you may be using the part of your brain that deals with memory to recall facts to help you answer the question...

  3. The traditional answer is right as in "you are so right brained" when trying to explain an opera to your friend that is a chemist that just doesn't get it.

    The right side of the brain is associated with logical operations (do everything inside the parenthesis first) and thus math but in reality both sides of the brain (to different extents) are used in every function. I have listed links below for you.

  4. The right deals with and thinks in terms of logic and rational thinking.

    The left is more about making things up and being creative, with very little fact checking involved.

  5. Both

  6. the back side. actually i have no idea, i just like answering your Q's

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