
What side of the road shold I be on?

by Guest63844  |  earlier

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I was wondering when you are riding bicycle what side of the road should I be on? The right side or left side. I always ride on the left side and then that way I can see cars come my way. And the cars that come the other way would not matter at all. I was just wondering if I am riding on the right side of the road?




  1. Always with the flow of the traffic with I have never agreed with.....

  2. I don't know the law in the various different state's of the US, but generally vehicular traffic goes with the traffic flow, pedestrian against it, except for a marching body of men, they go with the flow, and have red & white lights at night!

  3. which eva side u want.

  4. In the United States, you are required to ride your bicycle in the direction of traffic. It is no different than riding a scooter or motorcycle.

  5. ya ur ridin on the rite side

    cuz when i take my dog for a walk i dont like to constantly keep lookin over my shoulder

    and in like 3rd grade some safty dude taught my school that

  6. No you are supposed to travel the same direction that traffic flows & your supposed to use hand signals to turn or stop .

  7. In America you are suppose to ride on the right your bike on the right side of the road. When you are walking you are suppose to move over to the right to make way for someone coming the other way. You pull over to the right when you are stop by a cop. You pull over to the right to let emergency vehicles pass by. You shake hands with the right hand. What's wrong with shaking with your left hand? You suppose to yield to the right. You give the right of way to the car to the right if you all come to a stop at the same time. The person turning right has right of way then the person turning left. We drive on the right. We sleep on the right. The power button is on the right. We pledge allegiance and swear in court with the right hand. We really hate lefties in this country. Any left is evil.

  8. always ride with the traffic coming toward you.

  9. By statute, at least in CT, bicycles are to be driven with traffic. My personal opinion is that the road you are travelling on will dictate where you should ride. I like to ride on whichever side has the least amount of side streets or driveways and has the widest shoulder.

    Wear your helmet and be visible

    Be careful and stay safe

  10. A bicycle is legally a vehicle in most all places. Therefore you should be traveling with the flow of traffic. You should also use hand signals, and obey all traffic signs. You may be ticketed if you do not follow these rules.

  11. Ride in the same direction as other traffic, not against it.  And, ride in a straight line as near to the right curb or edge of the roadway as practical.

  12. In US or Canada, you ride on the right side of the road.  In the UK you ride on the left side.  You are considered a vehicle, not a pedestrian, and are subject to traffic laws.

  13. You are suppose to ride with the flow of traffic

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