
What side should the mane fall on a horse 4 a show?

by  |  earlier

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we had this conversation the other day and we decided on right. is that correct




  1. I think it doesn't matter. In halter classes you are supposed to show the horses natural beauty so i would say that in any class you should let the mane fall to its natural side. UNLESS your horse has a crazy mane that lays EVERYWHERE! then you could put it where ever you wanted i reckon.

  2. I know this one. Its the off side - side you don't get on a horse. If you are facing towards his face it is the horses left side.

    At my first show last season I had forgotten and a lady came up to me and said your horses mane is on the wrong side....  ...I was a little surprised someone bothered to mention it but have learned my lesson.

    Since then I've gone on to win turnout classes even at National Level! It was fun learning it all.

    My tip for training a mane is to wet it thoroughly using a sponge and comb or brush depending which is easiest, then you put a hoodie on. This is made out of slinky stretchy material. The hood covers the horses face down to his cheek bones with holes for the eyes and ears. Then a zip runs down the length of it under the horses neck it has a sewn in cir single to hold in place. Pro plaits or similar product can be sprayed on if the mane is particularly tricky to handle, prior to using the hoodie - I would still wet first. NEXT MORNING PERFECTION!!!

    Best of luck

  3. Mine stays on the right.

  4. the mane depends on if you ride western or english in english it is on the right in western i don't know if this is right but my trainer told me it is on the left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. i thought it was left....

  6. Usually to the right.

  7. I didn't think it mattered...

    But, I could be wrong!

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