
What sign are you and what sign do you dislike?......?

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And why?




  1. im sagittarius

    i dislike people who are picseas, except my bro (who is picseas but he's my bro so i have ta lov him!)

    i guess im just not compatible with them

    they are usually old fashioned and negative thinkers whereas im the happy-go-lucky, jupiter ruled clown of the zodiac

  2. Im a Virgo and Geminis just cant control themselves.

  3. I like to give everyone a fair shot but if I had to pike the most common sign Im gonna have to say Taurus,Gemini and Aquarius

  4. Hmmm funny question now i broke my friendship with a Virgo friend but that doesn't mean that i have to dislike other Virgo's.

  5. I'm a Taurus

    I really don't get along well with Leo's (too arrogant) I've had some pretty bad fights with them, Aries (think they know everything), Virgo's (Nagging) & Libra's (too sneaky, play innocent roles).

    I love all the others!!

  6. Im a scorpio and in my experience i would have to say , i dislike Leos , very arrogant and  think they know everything .

    Libra is another starsign i dont like  .

  7. I am a Sag

    and I don't get along with





  8. I am a Capricorn. I actually love Cancer the horoscope and I hate Sagittarius

  9. As a Taurus, I have found that, oddly, I can't get along with capricorn, supposedly one of my most compatible signs! I find them too old fashioned and business minded. Ares is also annoying to me, for reasons others have already mentioned.

  10. Im a capricorn

    Don't care for ( most ) gemini's, because they are two faced.

    I'm too loyal an honest to be that way.

  11. I'm an Aries and find Scorpios in my experience manipulative and Cancers too emotionaly weak and needy. I've had personal experience with both these signs and just really clash with them but i'm sure these traits run in other people with different signs too. Theres good and bad in everyone!

  12. fight with ppl born in october. both signs in october

  13. I'm a Virgo and I tend to butt heads with Pisceans. Mum's pisces and when we fight, it's very passionate.

  14. I'm a Virgo. I've been through pretty bad fights with Leos when I tend to point out one of their insecurities....

    Oh! And there are those Scorpios! For some reason, they always seem to bother my Aquarius friend. Now, it doesn't bother her at the least, but it bothers me. To the point where I confront that person, the Scorp. gets defensive, so I do and then the yelling breaks out.

    Now, I'm FULLY aware that not all Leos and Scorpios act like this, I've know a few really sweet ones, so I don't want any Scorp or Leo reading this and feeling bad =).

  15. Really? I'm an Aquarius(air sign) and I should be friends with you. Because I fought with a lot of Scorpios before and we're all enemies to eachother. :[

    I fight with Aries a lot too, they are mean and jealous, pretty bossy too. But I guess they have their good times...:/

  16. i am a pices and i usually fight with capricorns

  17. i,m a pisces, i am weary of cancer,and gemini people as they can be two faced

  18. i like all signs.

    dislike Virgo and sag. the double faced signs of the zodiac.

    they will back stab their best friends , if it benefits them in the slightest way.

  19. i am virgo

    i dislike almostly leo sign

    because they desire to rule others and i desolve their talking very hardly as i having such people around me. and when they sympathy to anyone whether he is enemy they forgive heartly and donate without thinking and i feel very bad as i am one of her family members. Many other things which i dislike about Leo sign but i cannot argue them because of their angerness.

  20. im a libran and i cant stand aries too!!! arg they are just way too bossy and competitive and just think theyre all that and stuff(this is exaggerated lol). but i dont hate them coz hate is bad lol. some aries are ok though, like some of my family.

    i usually get along with all the air signs and the fire signs except aries lol. scorpios are cool too. i have a bit of scorpio in my chart too lol.

  21. im a cancer and i fight with scorpios too, its realy wierd isn't it?

    I find librans can be shallow, competive  and detached which i dont like too much.

    I love aries and leo, because they are really positive people :)

  22. I'm a Scorpio and I'd say the signs I most dislike is Gemini and Aquarius.  Its weird because my sister is a Gemini so I think my fights with her contribute to my extreme cautiousness around Geminis.  Anyways Geminis in my experience are very narcissistic and can come across as selfish and insensitive too.  Scorpios are much more sensitive than they let on and internalize everything and take things personally.  They also have short attention spans and can make it seem like they don't care.  Aquarius' get on my nerves because we're so different and approach life oppositely.  Scorpios use their emotions to guide them while Aquarius are more logic based.  The two understandably clash.

  23. like-Scorpio,Leo,Gemini,Taurus,cancer,Li...




  24. im sagittarius

    and i dislike some people because of who they are not because of their star sign.

  25. i am an Aquariun and have never got along well with scorpions (especially guys).same goes for Pisces.

    there is a misunderstanding of some sort always and we end up not speaking for a day or two

    nice question.

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