
What sign do I most sound like?

by  |  earlier

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I'm pretty impatient. I like a good arguement. I like things to be clean. I dont like to be late. I like a guy who is pretty romantic. I laugh a lot. I'm very apathetic and understand people. I like to read. I like to learn about things like beauty tips and s*x tips. I have a quick temper with people I know well, like family. But I tend to be very polite around other people.

What sign do I sound like?




  1. Libra, all except the liking to argue. But other than that, you do fit the shoe.

  2. Aries definately!!!!!!

  3. virgo.

    you love to be clean. a very noticeable virgo trait. lol

    u hate being late, which is one of a percise virgo's pet peeves

    understanding, which virgos are usually

    politeness is also a good trait in virgo people, and it's often obtained at a young age.

    cancer w/ aries rising

  4. taurus! u sound so much like my friend! taurus people tend to be pretty impatient. they are sensual people. they can be stubborn and sometimes have a quick temper. then again, your feelings and atitudes are also influenced by your moon sign and rising sign.

  5. Leo or Gemini idk

  6. I'd say virgo too

    if not virgo then libra  

  7. Virgo for sure.

  8. i'm a sagittarius and you sound exactly like me :]

    i laugh at like every imagineable thing in the world.

    and i'm super impatient and very polite.

    my moon is in aries w/ libra rising.

  9. I think your a capricorn sounds like this girl I used to like. She liked to read weird emo L*****n comic books or mango or whatever its called. She  acted like hilary clinton on viagra with no reason lol.

  10. Scorpio.....we are famous for our tempers.

  11. you sound like a virgo. But for me, i am lazy and have to have LOTS of will power to clean, and when i do, its spotless

  12. wat do u mean sign>??

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