
What sign do you find attractive or appealing?

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Also state what sign U R?





  2. I am a Capricorn, and I find Sagittarius people particularly appealing and attractive.

    Gemini men are s**y, and interesting conversationalist; never boring, even if they are not particularly attractive or appealing physically.

    Leos are particularly energetic, and enthusiastic, which gives them a special effect, and I like that they seem to always listen to you when you speak, which just shows that they really care. They rarely if ever let you down.

    These are the 3 signs that popped into my head; this may seem more of a generelization though, but it's how I feel at the moment. . .!

  3. capricorns are beautiful to me..their so intense and hardworking, a taurus  

  4. Aries, Libra, Aquarius.

    I'm Gemini.

  5. I think every sign is appealing in it's own way. :)

    I'm a scorpio.

  6. Deer sign..

    I love deers!

  7. There is something good in everyone


  8. With the exception of Leo, I like all the Fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio), and I like Capricorns and Aries.

  9. Gemini, Some Capricorns

    Scorpio sun

    Cancer Moon

    Aries Rising

  10. leos- very s**y, honest, outgoing, goal oriented

    capricorns- business oriented

    aries- ambitious

    aquas-  when they like you, they drop hints , very s**y, sort of mysterious

    sun/rising- leo

  11. For some odd reason, I seem to be attracted to Virgo's. I know so many people who are Virgo's. In fact, my husband is a Virgo. I don't know why I attract to them so much.

    But I think most signs are appealing in their own way. I really don't care for Scorpio's and Capricorn's though. No offense!

  12. I don't do this on purpose, as I am usually open minded about dating. Meaning, I don't approach men, and say...hey, what's your sign? Lol. But, it just seems to happen naturally that I always end up with and attract Earth Signs. And, I am very much attracted to them, obviously. I have had 3 long term relationships (currently in one of them). One was a Taurus (3 years), one was a Virgo (5 years),  and this one is a Capricorn (currently two years and going strong). I guess, I like how secure they make me feel.

  13. all of them!

  14. All the signs are attractive in their own way but I have to say Pisces and Scorpio. :] I'm Capricorn.

  15. I like February Pisces and Cancers (not all), Virgo is easy for interaction but they are way too shrewd.


  16. I find Gemini and aries males very good looking.... but the problem about aries male I can't date..... They always have to get smart with me for some reason.....

  17. Aquarius men, Sagittarius and Libra.

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