
What sign is most likely to b g*y?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering. or maybe not a sign, but an element in the chart.





  2. it doesn't matter what your sign is, I believe it's more innate than anything, and how a person chooses to be.

    Im bi sexual, and a Virgo.

  3. be atracted to guys

  4. i think the majority of the population is bisexual

    libra, cancer, aries, aquarius  are the ones i have found to be interested in same s*x. but they ae g*y people off all signs

  5. usually people with gemini in venus or mars turn out to be g*y, but usually bisexual.

    odd, because i'm a cnacer w/ gemini venus and mars...and i can be a bit bicurious at times. lol

    gemini is known for trying both genders(y'know..i guess it's because of their curiousity and two-sided nature)

    true story

    =cancer w/ aries rising

  6. No sign in particular... but look for things like Venus in the 12th house... or Venus making aspects to Uranus or Neptune... No one sign is more g*y than others...

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