
What sign is your 5th house in? And how do you act in relationships?

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Are you the faithful lover? The player? The one who never finds love or the real lovey dovey type?

My 5th house is in Saggitarius and boy do i get bored of men easily.... so hard to be faithful but d**n its not my fault most men bore me to death maybe i should switch to women lmao

If you dont know what house it is in go here




  1. Waitaminute people... the 5th house is romance (among other things), but the 7th house is one-to-one relationships (among other things)... So the 5th is your approach to romance, the 7th is how you act in relationships...

  2. Hey Pretty!!

    Good question.  Please keep it open until I have time to come back and answer it.


    Virgo Sun/ Leo Asc/ Vertex in 5th house Sag/ 5th house ruler in 12th

    ***edit- Wow!  The TD morons are psychic.  They are TDing my answer before I actually give it.  LOL

  3. Libra! I am usually faithful to my 6 lovers. I find too much love or too little. I never have just one lover. It is alaways none or several.

  4. cool question....I like these kinds of questions....

    my fifth house is in scorpio and really that's how I am in relationships and I didn't put the two together until now.  I just thought the venus sign was how we acted in relationships.  I AM possessive and jealous ( I always have my reasons though :) )  and VERY loyal to my partner.  Not secretive though because I tell my hubby everything and I do not lie.

    *EDIT   My 7th house is in Capricorn....don't know how that makes me in relationships....

  5. Hi Pretty

    I have 5th house Pisces and ruler Neptune Rising in Scorpio sextile Moon.

    It makes me attractiveand overly sensitive in love and idealistic.

    5th house ruler in 1st makes me relate well to others in leadership situations. I do have a strong ego, and fond of children (5th house ruler) and desire tor aise them to my own image.

    Neptune in 1st makes me a romantic and the sextile Moon shows many friends among women  (customers that I have). It adds charm to me and to them as well. Moon in Capricorn indicates that YES, I tend to meet many Capricorn type of women, responsible or business owner generally.

    Venus in Virgo shows that I prefer intellectual woman who can communicate well and who are interested in engineering like myself, as well as Astrology etc... (sextile Neptune) in MC.

    edit....the 5th house is where you begin your Love affairs and the 7th, will legaize it as suggested from one poster.

  6. Mine is Libra.

    But I don't know If I behave like Libras in relationships.

    I like that site though.

    Good reference.

  7. PS People!  The 7th house doesn't come into effect until the relationship becomes LEGAL.

    I have Capricorn on the 5th, and I like older men.  heehee

  8. am a Saggitarius in 5th house also..but i think am faithful in relationships..i also have a cancer in mars, and scopio sun w/ gemni moon.

    but then agina, i have'nt been into many realtionshisp so i dont know..and i have though of women too, bcuz men p**s me off at times lolz.

  9. Pisces is in my 5th house, and I do consider myself to be very faithful. I don't have that much relationship experience, and have really only cared about one person, but I know that when I allow my heart to attach to someone, I will never let them go. I don't normally go looking for love, it's the last thing on my mind, but when I find it, I know that it will be deep. However, I'm not the romantic, lovey dovey type, I want a serious connection with someone, nothing superficial or overly smothering.

  10. mine is in leo, my love is mostly about pride and respect. i like indeoendant enthusiastic people, and i have many cruses at a time and i love attention. When i am with someone i don't fall easily but i fall hard and find it hard to let go.

  11. Your too funny.  I have Sagittarius on my 5th house cusp and Aquarius on my 7th house cusp.  I'm a Leo and have an Aquarius South Node (not good) and a Leo North Node (good).

    And like the other person said, the 5th house is about romance, fun, and s*x but the 7th house is about relationships and Aquarius' like their freedom.  My whole dang chart is one big contradiction.

    I'm not very good in relationships but I am faithful if I get enough breathing room if not then . . . later.

    And yeah women rock!

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