
What sign seems to fascinate you?

by  |  earlier

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Also tell what sign you are?




  1. scorpio. i am a capricorn by the way.

  2. Cancer boys

  3. Aquarius men, Libra and Sagittarius.

  4. usually peoples opposite signs intrest people.

    My opposite sign is aries. its hard for me to befriend them because they sort of intimidating.  Which intrigues em even more.

    cancer boys are soo confusing. But i keep coming back..

  5. Cancer men. I swear I have a magnetic attraction to them. Their so protective, caring, passionate and affectionate.

  6. Sagittarius.. Don't ask.


  7. scorpio boys

    im a cancer

  8. Gemini boys

    im a leo

  9. Capricorn women; I'm a Libra.

  10. Taurus.....especially the men!


  11. taururs

    im a scorpio

  12. I like leos XD  

    i'm a libra

  13. Scorpios, Leos and capricorns....


  14. Virgo's they are like a riddle lol

  15. Stop signs. They annoy me so much.

  16. Cancer and Taurus.  I like Cancer boys more. :)

  17. Lately Pisces. Been in relationships with Leo.Aries,Cancers, they were serious , everyother sign I never asked.

  18. none

    im a capricorn

  19. Leosss just like me! Firey, ambitious, and just crazy!! lol

  20. Scorpios, Sags and Aquarius guys.


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