
What sign would make the best evil minion??

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My current one is not performing up to standards. She has even requested a two week vacation. Unbelievable!!

I am taking applications.

Are you up to the task? If not, what sign would be?




  1. Me!!! A Pisces Sun and Virgo Moon. Know what that means? It means I can cook up a plan in the name of love! Pet me and I'll come up with a scheme in a flash!

  2. hmm...........evil minion huh? .............well..........................

    the sign of the kitty :3 of course :D

  3. Perhaps you should find another Capricorn that isn't busy... mistake...there's no such thing....

  4. My 6th house could probably do it, but Leo rising and Sag sun will have none of it. Sorry.

    Unreal that your evil minion is expecting holidays....what's the world coming to???

    So, your options IMO would be:

    Aries: shoot first, ask questions later. Get them on your side and they're not going to think about anything that you ask them to do until well after they've already done it. May be a bit too self directed to make a truly great minion, though:)

    Taurus: umm.....not gonna happen I don't think. In fact I think we can just scratch the fixed signs from the list all together, lol.

    Gemini: Maybe....if you can keep them interested in being a minion.

    Cancer: would make a wonderful minion, I believe. Make them feel like you need them, and you're set.

    Am skipping Leo-Aqua as I don't feel they'd make great minions.

    Pisces: Ideal minion. Will do anything for anyone. You may have difficulty getting them to be evil, but heck they're Neptune influenced, so all you've got to do is tell them a really good story about what you're wanting them to do and why, and I think you'd probably be set.

    You need to find yourself a Pisces minion, Ms. Virgo.

  5. Hi Jamie.  Are you sure you don't want another Virgo?  Because we're veeeeery good.  Should I post my resume up here?

  6. Sorry girl , but I am THE KING.

    you can be my secretary , handling out applications. You are doing a good job then :D

  7. All and any kind of Virgo of course because we perfect anything we touch.

  8. Well, Scorpio of course.

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