
What signaling systems does use in germany&france's rail way?

by  |  earlier

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Automatic Warning System, signaling, interlocking,atc,ctc,...




  1. Basically both countries use colour light signalling although mechanical signalling is still in use in a few places. Mainly though the older signal boxes have been replaced by computerised signalling centres covering much wider areas.

    Both countries have their own version of the AWS and a system known as the attendance button which a driver has to press every 30 seconds, otherwise a warning sounds and if the button is still not pressed, the train will stop.

    German trains have a 'black box' system which records the journey and a radio-telephone linking the driver with the signal centre and other trains in the section.

    Some German shunting locomotives now have remote control thus combining the job of driver & shunter in one operator with a radio control handset.

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