
What significant changes have you noticed towards Traditional Behavior in the last 10-40 years.?

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What kind of changes have you noticed i.e. peoples attitude towards the norm or ways of dealing with things.




  1. I was born in the baby boomer years so I can really attest to so many different changes.  Like family reunions at least once a year, either our moms or grandmothers made our clothes (and they lasted longer and looked better that store bought) we grew our own food (which was much better) and most of all-we didn't have computers, cell phones, and Wi systems.  If we couldn't get a hold of someone by phone, we went and visited their homes.  I got my butt tore up in school when I did something wrong, (yes I'm a female) and we had a lot of respect for elders and persons in authority.  Drugs were scarce and gas was cheap. You could fill up for $5.00 and get a set of drinking glass to go with it.  I could go on and on, but these are just some that I really miss.

  2. The kids trash mouth and the awful things they say to their parents. When you had a car accident in the old days even if you were at fault, the other persons first concern were to come and ask " are you OK. Now it is do you have insurance. Ha ha.

  3. Behavior ...!!!.....It has gone down hill very fast, and the Police / Government have not got a clue how to restore it... What we need is the birch and borstals to be brought back.

    The PC brigade need to be held responsible .

  4. as a society we hide less. we don't pretend everything is great. we don't put on airs like the 50's used to.

    police have become much more freaked out. when they started wearing the bullet proof vest on the OUTSIDE of their shirts I knew it has sunken to a new low.

    cars are built better.

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