
What signs are Cancers drawn to?

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I've read that the best match for Cancers are Pisces because they sort of compliment each other as far as needs and wants. Personally, I don't think I know any least I've never been friends with one. For some reason all my friends and bfs have been signs that I'm supposedly not compatible with. My best friend since 3rd grade is an Aquarius. Let's just say we are no longer best friends although we speak and still hang out. IMO she was a back stabber, deceitful, and a liar. My best friend whom I met in 6th grade and is still friends with till this day is a Cancer (Like me). I didn't like her at first, and even now sometimes she annoys me and she exaggerates which also annoys me lol. My cousin who is like my best friend (male) is also a Cancer. I also "dated" a Cancer guy back when I was younger. I've dated 2 leos, and this older woman at work who I love talking to is also a leo and another guy at work who is really cool and chill is a leo. I was talking to this guy who was amazing, he was an Aquarius and supposedly Cancers and Aquarius are a match made in h**l but he was awesome. And currently, my boyfriend is an Aquarius and we don't see eye to eye 99% of the time lol, but I love him and he loves me. But basically my life is heavily revolved around Cancers, Leos, and Aquarius. Not one Pisces. Any other Cancers in a similar situation?




  1. well u might be drawn to cancers cause you understand them

  2. it can depend on their ascendant aswell! so the aquarius could have had pisces, taurus or scorpio rising.

    i love cancerts btw =) im a taurus. we get along famously.  

  3. I am a Cancer, I am drawn to beautiful artistic woman. Her sign wouldn't really matter, as long as she is emotionally strong, has good common sense and moral fiber. I've attracted more Leo women than any other signs. What is your your rising sign and moon sign?

    My rising sign is Leo. And my moon sign is Aquarius.  

  4. Cancers also go very well with Scorpios. But for you, it's not just your sun sign you should be looking need to look at your moon and rising sign as well to get a deeper, in depth analysis of it. But yeah, pisces and scorpio.

  5. I'm a cancer and my boyfriend I just started dating is an aquarius ! I don't know why so many cancer's I know are drawn to aqua men but I think because cancer's are so different from aqua's that what attracts us to them. Before me and my aqua boyfriend started dating, I use to go on websites all the time and read how bad a match aqua is for cancer. And to be honest, some of it was true because in the beginning he played alot of mind games with me, and he didn't open up much. But now that we are together things are a lot better. And yes, we don't always see eye to eye but we love each other.

    As for pisces, my first love ever was a pisces and I do honestly believe that he was my greatest love ever. But it might change once I have been with my aqua longer. But I do believe in horoscopes very much, and some of what it say's will be true. But the best thing for you to do is go by your heart. If you really love your boyfriend and he really loves you then I would go with that. No horoscope will ever be able to truly explain the love you have for each other. You know what's right in your heart. So at the end of the day don't get so worked up about these horoscopes. They are fun to read, but always use your heart over anything else.  

  6. Me...  "$$$$$$$"

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