
What signs are best for a Scorpio?

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I'm a Scorpio and my b/f is a Leo. We love each other to death, more than anything and anyone. But the way that I get jealous and don't trust too often annoys him i guess & the way that he is so carefree and is always flirty with other girls annoys me... but despite all that we connect on a much deeper level, we care for eachother and love eachtoehr alott. more than i can explain.but idkk, are we a good match?




  1. Cancer and Pisces are the signs that are best for a Scorpio.

  2. my hubbies a libra...and im a scorpio

  3. Good signs for a Scorpio: Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Pisces.

    I haven't heard much about Leo/Scorpio relationships. It seems to be going well. Your issues with each other seem typical of each of your signs though haha. Best of luck.

  4. They say scorpio and libra are a good match but I have had terrible luck with Libra! I am a text book Scorpio too.

  5. I was in the same situation before except I'm a Leo.  It's not the jealousy in of itself that drives us crazy, it's the lack of communication and honesty.  

    It seems as though Scorps take us for granted and have to hold secrets.  That in of itself is not a big deal.  It's the Big secrets that effect the Leo that are concerning.

    Don't think for one single minute that a true Leo will stand by while anyone plays them for the fool.

    If you can be yourself, be real and love the Leo for who they really are, you should have no problem.  As a matter of fact, you will have everything and anything you have ever wanted in a lover.

    But some want to play games . . . and don't think that your Leo is stupid because we can stalk our prey when necessary.  

    Loyalty is the number one thing that will grant you this shining love.  Deception is the number one thing that will lose your love FOREVER.  Don't worry, we will never look back!

    So wonderful is the Scorpion and the Lion joining together to be the love of a lifetime.  Against all odds.

  6. I'm a scorpio too...some "psychic" lady in a carnival  told me that the perfect match for a scorpio is a Libra...but then again i dont believe in that stuff. if you and your boyfriend really belong together then im sure you will find a way to work things out and get through those simple little problems.

  7. Both Leo and Scorpio are fixed signs.

    A good combination, as suggested, will be fixed signs with cardinal signs.

    However, a relationship is base more on both understanding and willingness to compromise rather than thru studies of fact or and other religious belief. If both of you want it to work, it will.

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