
What signs are compatible with me?

by Guest64741  |  earlier

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Im a Cancer with Gemini tendencies. I know i get along with Scorpios and Taurus. Which sign is the best for me?

PS: I have many cancer traits. like being clingy and wanting loyal relationships, being depressive, all of it!




  1. The compatibility is checked on the basis on moon sign as moon is controller of the mind and hence emotions.

    In indian astrology this is done using your moon sign and the moon sign of your partner. Every sign is further divided into 9 parts for proper analysis along with checking the 7th lords and placement of mars and venus for both.

    A simple thumb rule that you can use is avoid partner of moon sign that falls 6th, 8th, 2nd, 12th and 4th from your own moon sign as these are not good for relationships in long term.

    For marriage the nervous system categorization too is needed to be checked to see if the couple can have healthy children.

    The 9th divisions of sign are crucial to check this.

    After this the horoscope of both the people are checked to see if there is loss of spouse or child in the chart.

    Then we check for status of wealth and how events are going to be in coming 10 years.

    IF you plan to use this system then kindly use the indian calculation of arc (lahiri ayanamsh) as there is a difference of over 21 degrees in the indian and western.

    The system is very accurate and reliable.



  2. Well, I'm sure the other moody signs are compatible with you.  Pisces, Scorpios, Taurus.  One things for sure--stay away from us Libras.  We have no tolerance for manic-depressive Cancers.

  3. I would say that Scorpios are good for you as you have lots of Cancer. They will make less depressive.

    I don't think that Taurus is good for you.


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