
What signs do you notice in a women that looks straight is actually g*y or bisexual?

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I had a temporary co worker who looks and dresses like a women should. This women gives me looks like she is flirting with me?.. I'm a straight women. I sometimes get confused if she is being too nice. I also sense a clingy vibe? How can you tell if this women is possibly bi or g*y? She is an attractive lady but I would not cross that path.. if I were to do something she seems the type that would cross that path.. Any tips on finding out something sooo confusing?... Like a model type looking women possibly being bi or g*y?.. Any clues?...




  1. wow

    that's weired um usually if this is the case have a one on one

    just like during lunch or something if she was bi or g*y and your straight and you fear she has a crush or whatever she would tell

    if i knew more factual stuff i could probably answer this question better

    good luck    

  2. definately, subtle flirting.

  3. Stick to your intuition..;)

    i think the only real way to know is to ask her, otherwise your guess is as good as mine!

    You could ask her what she likes..?

  4. Kudos to you when you said "who looks and dresses like a woman should"...   Nowadays this is VERY difficult to find...!!!  So many g/g s wake up, slap on lipstick, a  pair of jeans, a tee shirt, and flip flops and heads out the door with the feeling and thought "Gee I look good"... Eh... NO!!!!

    For the records, I'm a c/d - t/v and I adore women... They are the greatest invention since Coca Cola...  And this is why I emulate them to the best of my ability via my very vast and conservative wardrobe eg: blazers, skirts, sweaters, blouses, etc and if casual, a fine tailored pair of slacks..

    I do not "own" a pair of flats, or otherwise.. My entire footware wardrobe consists of 42 pair of HIGH HEELS shoes, and high heel boots. And pantyhose are not even in my vocabulary... I wear full fashioned seamed hosiery at all times..

    So good on you re your views and opinions on this individual..

    And if she is "casting" looks your way, and even if she is g*y, or not, take it all in stride dear, and also take it as a compliment..

    Good luck in your work environment

    Rachelle In High Heels

  5. Well, I have a friend who fits your description to a T...(heck, it fits me too!) my friend, a former co-worker, is very nice to me and can also be clingy at times....and she's been married for ages and has 6 grandkids. (me too)

    First of all, if you're not g*y...why do you care if she is?

    Are you worried that she is sexually attracted to you? That she might make a move on you? What if she is? What if she does? What would you do if it was a guy instead? Just do what you would if she was a guy. Just say "Thanks but no thanks".


    If you act straight and let it be known that you are only interested in men or your boyfriend or husband... I don't think you have to worry about her giving you any grief. I have had a L*****n friend for nearly 20 years and she has never tried to "cross the path" with me...or about 99% of the other women she knows for that matter. Just as I don't find EVERY man attractive she doesn't find every female attractive.

    Odds are she just likes you as a person and wants to be your friend. Don't other people like you and want you to be their friend?

    Not everyone shows their feelings the same way.

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