
What silly things do people do that make you laugh?

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Like when a high school student spend ten minutes trying to open a locker, then realizing that the locker he's trying to open isn't his.




  1. i had this teacher that would open her water bottle while she was talking and continue to talk and she'd close it and put it down with out even drinking it . she didn't even know she was doing it it was so funny

  2. This one time I was sitting shot gun in my friend's car and listening to a great song on the radio. Just as I was about to sing along, a loud car pulled up next to us. When I turned around to look, the driver was completely rocking out to the same song on the radio! It was pretty intense too... he was doing air guitar and everything.

    My friend and I watched him for a while...

    then he noticed us and drove away.

  3. i ahve done the whole locker thing.

    i was downstairs and my locker was upstairs hahaha

  4. Guy at work had a cup of hot coffee in his hand, and was busy yakking with others, someone asked him the time and he tipped the cup over to look at his watch. He shrieked and everybody noticed that he looked like he had wet his pants.

  5. ummmm i dont really know. just funny jokes i guess

  6. uumm hard to think of right now. good question though

  7. so my sister... she will burst out in her own little language some times like

    "ohwww feno you my zou arnt you zou?"

    oh and she is 15

  8. Ha! I'll never forget this... My fourth grade teacher was teaching us something and she bent down to pick something up at my groups table. AND FARTED!!! HA embarrassing!! it was great. Good memories!

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