
What simple things can be done around the home to help combat Global Warming?

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As you are aware, Global Warming is an international issue and is destroying planet Earth. Everybody needs to do their part to help this planet out. Global Warming is wiping out animal species and we humans are the only species of animal that can save the rest.

What simple things around the home can be done to help combat and possibly ultimately put an end to Global Warming?




  1. I leave my Hummer idling in my driveway all night

  2. Consereve lights. don't leave them on al the time.

  3. By staying informed--and doing your part to help reduce the impact that you have on your living environment.

    The ignorant trolls whom claim that global warming doesn't exist are also descended from the same stock of people whom once believed that the Earth was flat too.

    Until science proved them wrong on both counts.

  4. We have to make our governments aware of the situation. it seems that Big Oil, Big Auto and Big Industry can influence how this government acts and reacts to this problem.

    The other problem with GW is that it is subtle. It's not like an explosion or a frontal attack; it moves slowly and steadily, and even something like a chunk falling off the Ross Ice Shelf or the snows of Kilimanjaro disappearing is not enough evidence (for them) that there is global warming

  5. Some simple tasks could include

    Turning off the switches from the wall instead of leaving them on standby. Change your electricity service to a greener service. Not hunting down whales. Try to convince people to use public transport. Change lightbulbs. Plant trees.

  6. Take mass transit and use electricity wisely like turning off unnecessary lights or go fluorescent.

  7. Education.

    The governments need to get their heads out of their rear ends and take action.

    Inform the public of what they can do. We have started, and once the government says, kerbside recycling, use eco friendly shopping bags, we start to.

    I say govts, but that includes local councils, they are paying a fortune to people for advice on these issues and then hum and ha over implementing things, all because of cost.

    Living in the colder part of the country, I would love to add extra insulation to the house, to add double glazed windows and install solar water heating.

    The cost would probably be $10k, even with a 'loan' the repayments would cripple me financially initially. If it was to be interest free, that would make it worthwhile.

    The major polluters should take steps to drastically cut back their pollution.

    I read something some time ago that China is opening a new coal fired power station each week. I wonder how green they will be.

  8. Flourescent or energy saving bulbs are a must! You can do simple things like turn off unecessary lights, carpool, recycle, compost, buy electric appliances instead of gas, drive hybrids, completely, turn off dvd players, computer monitors, gaming systems, and other things that always have a little light on because that little light is always using energy, etc. there are so many things that you can do!

  9. Personally, I think the global warming issue is over worked.

    China has it's coldest winter in 100 years...

    Coldest winter in 40 years:

    One volcano eruption can alter the weather more than a millenia of man's meddling with the earth.

    Just because a few icebergs are melting does not a catastrophe make.

    Read this and relax:

    Global warming is not going to destroy the earth. It's just a normal cycle... this stuff has been going on since the beginning of time.

    Should we continue to produce greenhouse gases with reckless abandon? No.

    Should we continue to use less energy? Naturally.

    Should we panic and go crazy with legislation and restrictions? No.

    Should we approach this calmly and cautiously, so that we as a people contribute as little as possible to the natural changes that are taking place? Of course we should.

  10. There’s not much else after the things listed by Terrier Lady.

    Bring cooking to a minimal or not at all by eating more or only raw fruits, vegetables and nuts.

    If you cook, steaming is quicker and uses less electricity or any type of fuel.

    Use less can sprays e.g. pesticides, air fresheners, deodorants et al.

    Open windows for sunlight when possible and don’t use electric light of any kind.

    Use rechargeable batteries for remote controls and other battery operated devices.

    Avoid the use of air conditioners as much as possible; dress as lightly as possible and use the shade from trees and other areas that have cool shade.

    During the winter as Ms Lady said turn down the thermostat and dress warmly; e.g. wear a robe e.g. terry cloth or fleece along with flannel and or thermal pajamas; wear sweaters or sweat suits or parts thereof; wear thermal underwear, i.e. long johns indoors and out.

    Avoid the use of space heaters or if possible only use space heaters.

    If you are like me and get along with yourself very well, turn off TVs and radios, etc, open a or some windows and listen to the sounds of life around you, i.e. the sounds of nature; the children playing et al.

    Or if you are like me and get along with yourself exTREMEly well, turn EVerything off and close the doors and windows and enjoy the peace and quiet of your apartment or home.

    I have an ONKYO 7.1 surround sound receiver that’s high current capable and has a power rating of continuous 100 watts per channel. That means when I turn it on and just have it on, no radio or anything else, it’s using no less than 700 watts.

    That’s like turning on 7 lamps with 100-watt bulbs and going outside.

    Also, because it is high current capable, the power rating, i.e. the POWER/CURRENT USAGE INCREASES during some loud passages and or deep bass frequencies in music and or movie soundtracks.

    If you have a home theater system rated at 100 watts or more per channel and especially if it’s high current capable, when you want to listen to CDs or radio, instead of using all that power, you might want to get a regular 2 channel stereo receiver and one with less power or you might want to consider using a so-called “boom box”.

    There are some excellent sounding battery operated “boom boxes”.

    I have one made by Philips several years ago that gets excellent AM & FM reception and the sound quality RIVALS(!) some low wattage stereo systems.

    If you use your home theater system to listen to music, consider higher quality front speakers that can reproduce the bass frequencies so you don’t have to use a subwoofer.

    They’re a little more costly but save money in the long run.

    Don’t forget that your subwoofer, along with the 5 channels of power that the surround sound receiver or amplifier is using, is also using electrical current and is most likely high current capable as well.

  11. Re-usable bags when doing the grocery and shopping. Plastic bags are a no-no while some paper bags have chemicals on them.

    Segregate garbage. Do not use paper plates and plastic utensils.

    Save gas and electricity.

  12. use less power at home, more efficient lighting, and better insulation. drive in a car pool to work. recycle. plant trees in your yard (if you have one)

  13. Most people do not realize how toxic common household cleaners are to your health and the environment.  When selecting cleaning supplies at least look for biodegradable, and non-phosphate cleaniners.  Excellent "green" products by Shaklee will improve the environment in your home and not hurt the environment.  visit

  14. Not sure they'll end Global Warming! but we unplug stuff we are not using.

    Don't leave things on standby (eg TV, DVD, Computer, Microwave)

    Use solar power to charge your phone (I have a solar charger - it's great!) or switch off things that are charging as soon as they've finished.

    Use a shorter cooler wash cycle, and fill the machine the correct amount - not too full or too empty.

    Don't use a timble dryer - use a clothes line and the wind and sun!

    Walk or cycle short trips - don't use the car.

    Don't buy food in lots of packaging and try to avoid 'airmile food' where possible. Think Globally act locally!

    Recycle waste - compost!

    Reuse cotton bags for shopping.

    Insulate your home and turn the heating down slightly.

    Shower don't have a bath.

    Change to low energy lightbulbs.

    To Mr Peachy - and others that think it's 'a natural cycle' - Yeah and look what happened to the dinosaurs - they 'naturally' all died out! Lets just do our bit - it can't hurt!

  15. Recycle bottles, cans, paper products, and anything that has the recycle label.  It is so much better to cut back on waste.

    I wish they recycled medicine bottles from the pharmacy.  The bottles are already made, all they need is sterilization and reissue.  Billions of bottles get thrown away that could be reused.

    Don't use any aerosol products.  Lower the temperature so you burn less fuel to heat the house. Turn off lights that are not being used.  Turn off the computer and accessories when not in use.  Switch out regular light bulbs for fluorescent -- they burn at a lower wattage but give more light and use less energy.

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