
What single food has dramatically benefitted or helped you?

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Did you ever have a true experience with a "miracle" food or supplement/product. My neighbor swears by mangosteen. Is there any you have had excellent results with for obviously increasing your health.

I am just asking about certain sources being extra special in addition to an already good quality diet consisting of whole foods.




  1. Raw Milk.

    I couldn't even go near pasteurized milk do too gall stones, not only am I able to drink raw milk, but I haven't had a gall bladder attack in months.

    Few other good things,..

    - Yellow butter from Pasture Fed Cows.

    - Cod Liver Oil

    - Sodium Ascorbate, its the perfect form of Vit C. Vit C is just about impossible to get from just food, and its crucial to a healthy immune system.

    Acidophilus, its a probiotic, essential for a healthy gut.

    Weston Price Foundation,.. The Foundation's purpose is too restore healthy traditional diets in America, full of unprocessed unrefined foods. Including access to raw milk and vitamin rich veggies.

    Excellent food info.

  2. Hi. Due to a serious illness, I had a lot of problems with what to eat, as I could not hold anything down. Yogurt to the rescue. It was the one food that I could keep down and it eased my stomach pains.

  3. Unusual story. Five years ago I had high blood pressure Very high. 220/110 I felt I need to eat onion.I remembered a recipe learned from my mother and used 2 kg. onion  that I ate in two days What a wonder! My blood pressure was after this,120/60

  4. Eating enough protein very single day has dramatically changed my body, skin, hair nails-- for the better.

    And quitting all forms of sugar has made me look about 10 years younger than I really am.  I'm 41 and most people think I'm 31-33.  My skin totally rejuvenated itself when I added protein and quit sugar (and simple carbs)

  5. Hi,

    As it happens I had a checkup yesterday ...

    ... and was delighted to be told that I had more than average of the good kind of Cholesterol levels.

    I'm a fish eating vegetarian (no I'm not a fish - I'm a vegetarian who also eats fish) - so my diet is quite good ...

    But I also supplement my diet with Blueberry supplements, vitamin E supplements and Glucosamate.

    So, Blueberry could be something you could look at.

    I'm also looking at Acai as well as Mangosteen, as these both seem to be very 'popular' at the moment.

    Hope this helps,


  6. fiber supplement, fish oil and protein powder. these three supplements have helped my overall health immensely.

  7. As to Mangosteen, that's a fantastic antioxidant (as are Noni, Acai, and many of the other "miracle fruits") and antioxidants help with all sorts of issues because they help to protect the cells and support the immune system.

    Other foods that are good for benefits really depend on what benefits you're looking for. Fish is great for brain, skin, heart, cardiovascular, et al. Yogurt is great for absorbing nutrients and regularity (because of the probiotics). Any of hundreds of fiber products can be good for digestion, regularity, cholesterol (soluble fiber), and/or weight loss (bulking fibers to help you feel full).

    ...The list goes on among dozens of health foods for different benefits.

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