
What site can I go to to register to be a p*****n model?

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What site can I go to to register to be a p*****n model?




  1. It is not by going to a site, but rather by getting out there, knocking on doors and by being YOU! Your parents can be supportive in many ways. They need to be involved.

    First, continue to develop as a person, do things you enjoy, take etiquette classes, Being a model is about how you can get jobs, showcase a product and how you interact and get along with people, be considerate and take it seriously!

    That said:

    Ask your parents to have a business card made listing your name (as a model it need not be your given name!), their cell phone number and state if you are reliable, can hold a pose, available for print, etc. Have portofolio shots. Carry business cards, photos, resume and pen in a neat, classy attache and binder.

    Take time to look at websites and models at several legitimate agencies such as KD in Dallas. Have face shots and full standing photos (ex: in neat fitted shirt and pant and sandals) Get several photographers to photograph you provide you ONE 8x10 photograph each for your portfolio. Have your parents take the shots being sure you have nice natural shots. NO TATTOOS! No rings in any piercings) . Do different hair styles. Be yourself and show your joy.

    (As an adult, later on, for traditional jobs, height should be 5'7", size no larger than a 7 dress size and age 20 to 24.)

    Take an etiquite class just to update your skills. Look at art books for classic, natural poses, etc.

    1.  Then approach businesses you know. Check out the store websites

    2.  Do a job or so gratis such as at a girl's store at a mall or shopping center to get something on your resume.

    3.  Be available to model seasonal clothing at boutiques, a floor model;

    4.  Model at benefits/organize and model in a benefit for an organization you are interested in or are in;

    5.  You can also model bracelets/jewelry, and for ads for local teen foused beading or jewelry stores, or hair ('pay' is the free haircut/color/style).

    6.  Offer to be a parts model, such as hands or feet.

    7.  Offer to do store window treatments and when it works out, include yourself or photos of you!

    Be creative and have fun! Get on it now if you have interest. You can create an amazing niche!

       If you go non-traditional, the hours are great. Accept jobs when you are available and have time for them! Expect to be paid, such as $10 or $15/hour or $50 - $75 per job. Do NOT pay anyone for your 'privilage' to model!

       Pay and hours are negotiable. Be reasonable, considerate and professional.

  2. There is no general website to register to be a model.  You should look at the websites of some of the premier modeling agencies - Ford Models or Whillamina are two of the best.  They have forms which you can complete and submit them along with pictures.  As far as pictures go, they do not need to be glamourous - just focused and flattering.  If you are a pre-teen, you don't want to appear too old.  You will likely have to have a parent complete the form.  NEVER PAY FOR A MODELING OPPORTUNITY.  And know that modeling is not as much fun as it appears.  You will need to have a thick skin, in addition to good looks, to succeed.

  3. you've posted in the wrong section - this is the search optimization section

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