
What site can i go to,to report somebody i know what's abusing their narcotics?

by  |  earlier

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i know 2 people who are going to 2 different painmanagement doctors to get painpills,and it pisses me off because they are selling them and getting rich off the stupid doctors who are prescribing them to them,where can i go online to report this




  1. I don't know about on line but I know you can call the tips hot line

    in your area and tell anonymously

  2. You can do a few things.  You can call the police and give them enough information to conduct a sting.  This will result in a charge of selling a contorlled substance, which is a major felony is every state.  

    Not a good idea if you are trying to help them and only good if you hate them and want revenge for something.

    You can also send an anonymous fax to the doctors.  That may stop them from prescribing them more, although they may also call the police.  But if it is anonymous, that is not enough for the police to do anything short of what I said above.

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