
What site do you like best? (dog cat horse?)?

by Guest32303  |  earlier

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I've found I love the horse site the best, people are much more helpful, nicer and just plan friendlier:) The dog and cat, I don't like so much, it seems people give way to many incorrect ideas and instructions. Seems us horse people seem to stick together better, the kitty and dogie owners seems to debate way to much on what they think is best, even when it's soooo very wrong. Scares me a bit to think someone will take the wrong advice. What's your thoughts?




  1. Well, I mostly answer here.  I like a good debate myself, and hopefully people are mature enough to understand sometimes there is more than one right answer.

    People, myself included, tend to use the opportunity of responding to a question to give an answer that promotes an ideal we hold dear.  For me, it's responsible breeding and ownership, buying smart, etc, for others it may be NH.  I can dish it out, but I can also take it.

  2. Thedog owners scare the heck out of me (they are militant about being anti-BYB and will jump down your throat at the slightest provocation - well some of them anyway, I don't mean you, Karen!)  The cat owners have been helpful at times, when I had specific questions about diet and automatic waterers.  But the horse section remains my favorite, despite a few trolls here and there.

  3. yeah i love looking at the horse site more, there seems to be a lot of english riders on here, and i've learned a little bit more about english from reading many questions (i ride western)

    the dog site always has arguments about keeping dogs inside and outside, like everyday they have a new one about that

    and not sure about the cat one, i hardly go to that one

    but yeah horse site is the best!

  4. Yeah I like the horse section and I enjoy seeing other people's names show up on a same question that I've answered and then Im like 'Ah hello! I know you!'.... even though they might not think the same back! Lol

    But I've not been in the doggie or kitty section... no need to as I dont own a cat or dog.

    Have a nice day! :-)

  5. I agree completely

    dogs and cats are too popular. Basically everyone owns one. Not everyone owns or are interested in horses so only they people who really know what there doing are here. I have two horses and want to share my knowledge with other horse enthusiasts.

    Good Luck,


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