
What site does mine match to? Maths Genius's!?

by  |  earlier

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So im stuck on this assignment, basically there are two sites. 150AD and 4000BC and I have my site. I need to see which site mine corresponds to. But im having trouble so im asking for help!

The links have all the details

thank you!




  1. I think 4000bc.

    I didn't do the math, but guesstimated. should think in z-units, specifically how far away is your measurement in standard deviations (of the other measurements).

    So, for breadth:

    your x = 131.322

    4000BC, x=131.03 std 4.93. you are 0.292 units off in breadth, this is 0.292/4.93 z-units off

    150AD, x= 136.17 std 5.35, you are 4.848 units off in breadth, this is 4.848/5.35 z-units off

    I suppose the final step would be to weight each of the measurements based on the variability of your site - but I can't think of an obvious way to do this off the top of my head. I think it doesn't matter as you are closer to 4000BC in all three measurements (in z-units).

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