
What site to use when investing and buying shares online?

by  |  earlier

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Which websites can i use to trade and buy small amount of shares and invest in companies and all that that stuff for cheap. Can i please get the name of the sites and the pricing please. and are they any good?? thank you!




  1. One of the best sites on the web right now is You can make dollar cost average purchases for $4.00 a trade and there are literally thousands of stocks, ETF's and Index funds to choose from. You can set-up a regular account, IRA, or maybe a child's savings account for college. It's a great deal.

  2. The on-line broker you choose will depend on your experiance level and needs.  The least expensive brookers are the ones for the more experianced traders.

    For example;

    Interactive brokers......... it costs me $1.00 to buy 200 shares.

                                                          $5.00 to buy 1000 shares.

    ThinkOrSwim:                it costs me $5.00 to buy 200 shares.

                                        it costs me $9.95 to buy 1000 shares.

    I use both. I love the ThinkOrSwim platform, esp the charts.

    Both have many "order types", Interactive Brokers platform is hard to learn.

    I use IB for mostly large share day trading. TOS is for everything else (80% of my trades).

    These brokers will be great for you in a few years...... after you've got the basics down..... to start... I'd suggest;

    Charles Schwab Or Fidelity Investments, they're more costly... but significantly more geared to the new trader.

  3. Another good one not mentioned is TD Ameritrade.  They offer excellent trading tools, great customer service (24/7), and very low cost, 9.99 per trade flat rate.

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