
What site will give me the best starting point in choosing a curriculum for my 10th grade son?

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He has major anxiety issues and is going to home schooled for 11 and 12 grade. I can't seem to find the answers I'm looking for anywhere. I need to know how to get the curriculum and materials without paying a lot of money through the programs I keep finding.




  1. Florida Virtual School. the courses are already created and programmed. All the courses fulfill requirements to get a high school diploma from the state of Florida and is approved in the United States. it's free for Florida residents. You might have to pay if you're from outside the state. I've been taking classes from FLVS and I love it.

  2. You have many options other than high priced packages - which do work for many people, but are not a good fit for everyone.

    First, check with your school district.  If you homeschool through them, you will get all your materials for free.  The downside is the lack of wiggle room.

    This website offers a wealth of info:

    You can put together a free curriculum by using the internet and the library.

    I wish much success to you and your son, and a quick easing of his anxiety symptoms.  

    Be well.

  3. Unless you use a virtual public school in your state, it's going to be very hard to find free/cheap high school homeschooling.

    You've most likely seen that most high school HS courses start around $350/half credit (one semester), or $700/year/one credit.  Those are all certified teacher-led courses.

    You can do it cheaper if you find used curriculum and teach your son yourself, or find materials where he can self-teach.

    Before you settle on any method or curriculum, you need to first figure out your son's learning style, and then purchase items that fit that style.

    There's a good Yahoo Group called "A Homeschool Review" that may be helpful.  People who've used differen curricula can answer questions you have about different methods/products.

    I highly recommend you attend a local/regional homeschooling convention.  Not only can you go to seminars, but you can also visit the vendor hall, where you can see curriculum, ask questions, and possibly purchase it with a discount.

    You should also join a local HS'ing group.  Many have swap days where members buy/sell curricula and educational materials.  Ours is coming up soon so we can all plan ahead for fall.

    A place to get great discounts on materials is The Homeschool Buyer's Co-op.  It's free to join.

    You can also find used items on Ebay (but no teacher guides) and other used homeschool sites.

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