
What site would you reccomend for sharing photos

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im looking for something free with no monthly upload limit, so i can send the link to family who stay overseas so they can see pics of my daughter





  1. It depends on what level of security you want. Pictures on Photobucket can be viewed by anyone searching the site, but there is an option were you can make them private.

    ImageShack is rubbish. If you don't log onto your account for a few months, they delete your pictures - so any pictures which are HTML linked on webpages to your file sharing will also be deleted.

    OR if you've got bebo, look at the picture on the site and left click it and click on ''Properties''. On the window that appears you should get the pictures URL address. Copy this address and put it in this HTML strip


    You can then use this line of code to a website HTML editor which will display the picture on found your bebo :)

    Perhaps you could make them a little webpage using this method on

  2. i would recommend


    flicker (think thats how u spell it)



  3. I use Photobucket, it's very easy to use, you can upload as much as you like (as far as I know, I've never hit a limit in all the 2 years I've had an account) and it's free.

  4. Flickr does not allow you to upload unlimited photos for the free account. It only allows 200 photos. The free account does not allow 100MB of uploads per month as stated on the website.

    I do not recommend Flickr as it provides poor Customer Service.

    I do not find Photobucket good as there are a lot of ads pop-up.

    I am not able recommend you any good photo album as I am also looking for one.

    You can try -



  5. photo bucket

    is very good


  7. I would recommend you Flickr and Photobucket.



    Flickr is much easier because Yahoo owns it, you don't have to create an account, just sign in using your yahoo Id and password and start uploading pictures.

    Photobucket and flickr are both free and lets you uploaded unlimited amount of pictures.

  8. ImageShack;...

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