
What sites are there to learn how to play volleyball? I am trying out and I REALLY want to make it.?

by  |  earlier

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Plz help and if you don't know any sites...

could u try to teach me how to set (the hardest part for me)





  1. You can't learn to play volleyball over the internet. Ask a gym teacher or friend who plays volleyball cause yo're not gunna make it reading over the internet.

  2. first off, good luck!

    if you want to learn how to set and get better look at this site

    it really helps and its good

  3. go 2 youtube r u a boy well never mind im a girl its just i cant find a girl avatar anyways good luck with trying out i already did i made it hope u make it.:)

  4. Ok. put your hands above ur head and hold a volleyball like your going to throw it up into the air with your arms and knees bent!! Flick your wrists out and unbend your arms and legs in one motion, and throw the ball into the air and catch it. Do the motions faster and faster until you are setting!! Good luck at tryouts!!

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