
What sites can i use my credit card on since its maxed out ?? Don't say its illegal cause i dont care?

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I also can use a check but not with paypal so what sites accept a echeck?????




  1. Paypal checks your credit in order to open an account with if your credit is wrecked they will deny you an account.

    You can't use your credit card since it's maxed out b/c your bank WON'T approve the charge.

    If you use a check, it's against the law and you can be criminally charged if you write a check online KNOWING there are no funds available.

  2. Perhaps you should get a Visa/MC debit card from your bank and pay that way?

  3. Either you will get an over limit fee or you will not be able to purchase anything at all. Your credit score will go down, please use your brain!

  4. You should care; your credit is very important.

    If it makes you feel better, it's not illegal to use your credit card when it's "maxed out", it will just either be declined or go through, put you over the limit and leave you with a boatload of fees.  A normal over-the-limit fee on a credit card is $39, but it can be even higher depending on your balance.

    Not many websites are accepting checks anymore.

    What type of website are you looking for, anyways?  To list all of the websites out there would be impossible.  If you narrow down the information you need from us, we might be able to help you more.

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