
What situations can cause a person to end up <span title="'Bonding-to-the-Perpetrator'?">'Bonding-to-the-Perpetrat...</span>

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  1. The Stockholm syndrome

    This is a really interesting case.  This also links in with domestic violence and the perpatrator-saviour situation.

  2. you should read &quot; perfect victim&quot; by Christine McGuire, yet another syndrome that twists peoples minds

  3. I was married to an abusive man-his technique was to isolate me from friends and family (happened over a period of time using fear and heightening my lack of confidence )-ultimately I was left with only him in my life and he took on two roles,that of my bully and abuser plus the only one who could show support and love for me.(it was quite complex because he could change from bully to caring and understanding person ).So naturally I became unhealthily strongly bonded to him and couldn&#039;t contemplate life without him.Thankfully that&#039;s all over now but when I look back on it I can hardly believe it was actually me back then.Am not sure it can happen on a one off basis-but I guess anything is possible if the experience is powerful enough.Generally tho&#039; I think time and psychological manipulation is a crucial element in creating that bond.

  4. Any case involving physical assult with a tube of superglue.

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