
What six evidences can be presented for the existence of God?

by Guest33540  |  earlier

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What six evidences can be presented for the existence of God?




  1. First, it appears you are another that has little faith. I guess your view is everything that we see, feel,hear, etc just happened by chance. I for one only have to look around to find all the evidence I need to believe in the one heavenly father. Hope someday you can make the most important leap of faith you will ever encounter.

  2. 1.  The existence of objective moral values.

    2.  The existence of the universe.

    3.  The existence of minds.

    4.  The resurrection of Jesus.

    5.  The apparent design in biological life.

    6.  The anthropic principle.

  3. 1. Personal faith and subjective revelation that the person credits to "God" (e.g., "I felt him!")

    2. Anecdotes (e.g., OBEs)

    3. Claims based around "A deity is the default and only explanation for things I don't understand" (atoms, molecules, morals, emotions, bad math, etc.).

    4. Circular claims (e.g., "The Bible says so, and we know the Bible is true because it's the word of God.")

    In other words, nothing that could be considered empirical evidence.  Though that begs the question of why some people think justifying their beliefs to others is so important.

  4. 1.  Babies are cute.  

    2.  Everything needs a creator.  Except, y'know, God.  

    3.  Rainbows are pretty.  

    4.  I feel good when I'm nice to people.  

    5.  My parents believed in God, and I trust them.  

    6.  I feel God when I pray because I want SOMEONE to be listening to me.  Anyone.

  5. I have heard these:

    1) The bible says so.  And we believe the bible, because it is the word of god.

    2) The world exists

    3) We exist

    4) Satan exists

    5) Heaven and h**l exists

    6) Because we believe it

    I know none of these qualify as evidence.

  6. *Sigh*

    1) Science

    2) Logic

    3) History/Archeology

    4) People (intra/interpersonal experiences)

    That's all I could think of

  7. 1.






  8. Which god?

  9. First tell us something about God - otherwise we won't know what we're talking about.

  10. 1. nature

    2. babies

    3. beauty

    4. uniquness

    5. talents

    6. love!!!

    its that simple.

  11. I'll mark this "Interesting" if you get ONE.

  12. The only one you need is faith.

  13. 1. Our existence.

    2. Our changed lives.

    3. His Word, the Bible and fulfilled prophecies

    4. The presence of Holy Spirit

    5. The victory of the Christian Church

    6. Signs, wonders, and miracles.

  14. 1. you

    2. me

    3. him

    4. her

    5. him

    6 them.


  15. absolutely nothing but a fictional book and a bunch of mindless followers

  16. The physical laws e.g gravity make it possible for the earth to support life.

    The order of the universe every thing is so precise

    Our brain is so complex scientists can't fully under stand how it works

    Child birth a small egg develop es into a baby

    We have a conscience

    The beauty of the earth

  17. 1) The fact that when I ask Him for something, He always, and I mean always, answers my prayers and pleas.

    2) The fact that when I studied pharmacology (I'm a pharmacist), I see His perfection in the way the human body was created, and I know that such perfection couldn't have just 'evolved'

    3) The fact that when I was in fifth grade, I had a long dream, which ended like this:

    Me: "Lord I have done what You asked me to do. Is there anything else You ask of me?"

    From a Light in the right corner in our living room: "As Sala" (i.e. prayer. I'm muslim. I was eleven when I had that dream, I'm now 22, and Thank God I've been praying 5 times a day ever since)

    4) The fact that there are so many different races, and much more languages and accents in the world, that couldn't have evolved from a monkey ^_^

    5) The fact that we have brains; that we're always inventing new things, that there are new sciences being discovered every single day, and that true scientists know that God exists.

    6) The face that we, the human race, have not evolved. If we evolved from monkeys, apes, or whatever, why haven't we evolved? We've been around for like how many years? So if we were products of evolution, why haven't we evolved? That's because God created us, and everthing around us, including ourselves, are witness to that.

    My Best Regards

    p.s. i have much more evidence, but you only asked for 6.

  18. Here are the top ten arguments used, along with the reasons they fail.

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