
What size Motocross bike best fits my size?

by  |  earlier

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I am 6'0 250lbs. I used to ride an RM125 and a CR125 but that was 20yrs ago and 90lbs lighter. I am not decided on 2 stroke or 4 stroke. Any expert opinion is well appreciated with regard to displacement for both the 2 and the 4 stroke. I was never a squid so lets hear it.

Thank in advance.




  1. this would be best if you asked this in the motorcycle section, and not the racing forum....

    but you should pick what bike is best, because what is best for me, may not be best for you.....

  2. You would get a better response in "Cars & Transportation">"Motorcycles", This is "Motorcycle Racing".....Good Luck.

  3. CRF250... you might be able to handle it :D

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