
What size are shiba inu?

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i want a small dog and i was wondering if shiba inu are small or medium when full grown




  1. The average weight for a Shiba Inu is between 15-25 pounds. Males closer to 25 and females closer to 15.  Not small but closer to medium size.  

  2. they are medium-large.

  3. my neighbour has one and it is really hyper and they had a hard time training it ev en tho it went to doggy school with my dog it was slow learner but i guess every dogs different

  4. "Size, Proportion, Substance

    Males 14½ inches to 16½ inches at withers. Females 13½ inches to 15½ inches. The preferred size is the middle of the range for each s*x. Average weight at preferred size is approximately 23 pounds for males, 17 pounds for females. Males have a height to length ration of 10 to 11, females slightly longer. Bone is moderate. Disqualification--Males over 16½ inches in dogs and under 14½ inches. Females over 15½ inches and under 13½ inches"

    They are small to medium.  My friend has them, they're just hitting the medium height.

  5. um, no. they are definately not small. they are on the large end of the medium spectrum. buy a dog encyclopedia.

  6. I love the personality of a shiba inu. They are so sweet.

  7. I'd say medium.I have an Akita which is a large variation of a shiba inu.

  8. Shiba Inus are a medium sized dog, but they are not recommended for the beginner owner. They are aloof, quiet, cat-like, and very difficult to train, not to mention stubborn.  

  9. They are medium sized.  Around 20-25 pounds, although my girl is on the larger end of the spectrum.

    Just a warning, do your research with this breed (well, any breed actually)

    Here's a site I love that makes me laugh:

    ADD: Just wanted to say, they are not slow-learners!  They are incredibly intelligent, they are more like cats, with the "what's in it for me?" attitude.

  10. Height:  Dogs 14-16 inches (36-41 cm.) Females 13-15 inches (33-38 cm.)

    Weight: Dogs 18-25 pounds (8-11 kg.) Female Dogs 15-20 pounds (6.8-9 kg.)

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