
What size cage will I need for my Guyana Red Tail Boa (female) when she is fully grown? ?

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I have her in a 20 gallon long tank. Where should I get an enclosure to suit her needs for a relatively cheap price?




  1. Build a custom Enclosure, its always the cheapest way to go. Since red tails get from 4-12 feet long and yours is getting pretty old and is only a lil over 3 feet, it probably wont reach 12 foot. So get it a like 8 ft longx5 wide. And the hight should kind of be how much room u want to take up that way, obviously give 3 ft+ but it depends on if you want her climbing alot or not to if you want ti more then like 5 ft.

  2. Well you need to move her in a bigger tank soon...maybe a 55 gallon but then you would need to move her into a 90-100 gallon tank later on when she is around 6-7 feet.

    Well it depends on how fast you can move her into a bigger tank and also her rate growth...I mean I got my red tail boa at barely 2 feet then after three months she got up to almost 2 1/2 to 3 feet(she is currently in a 55 gallon) so it really depends. But usually around 7-8 years is when a well taken care(in the right size enclosure+welll fed) red tail boa would be consider a "full grown". Like I said, there isn't an age...but on average.

    Well have you checked There is usually some pretty cheap tanks on there. If anything you could go and make a cage for her. Most of the equipment you would need is probably at Home Depot or Lowes. The bigger you can make the cage, the better it is going to be for her. If anything you could try checking yard might get lucky and find a better tank there. Also if there is a local fish store, you could check there. They usually throw away large(100 gallon plus) tanks that are cracked, you could get one and just tape it up again.

    Edit: Well if you don't have any tool then maybe your friend might? If not then you could just try, local fish store, or a yard sale.

    Hope this could help you out!

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