
What size dirt bike should I get 125 or a 250cc?

by  |  earlier

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I'll be 15 soon I am 5 11" still growing and thinking about geting a honda I've had a suzuki 50cc and a off the wall brand 85cc been riding for about 6 years total skiped 3 years after a bad wreck, starting back know after a full recovery.




  1. well im 12 and im about 5' and my dad has an rm250 and hes 6 1" so i think you should get a 250. the rm 250 is scary fast i would definately reccomend it

  2. Do yourself a favor and get a 250F instead of a 125.

  3. I'am 11 and i can ride 250cc and you can always grow into

  4. If you are going back into racing then you would be wise to get a 250f as the 2 stroke 125cc's are slowly being phazed out.  If you do choose to race a 2 stroke 125cc they are usually in the same class as the 250f's and then they are outclassed by them.

    Also for resale value you would be better off getting the 250f

    Honda are not making the cr125cc any longer and at least one of the known brands is going to follow suit.  

    And for trail riding 2 stroke 125cc's are not that good.

  5. 250F is the way to go. If it has to be a 2 stroke then go 125.

    Good luck with the comeback.

  6. r u talkin 2 stroke or 4 stroke?......if u want a 2 stroke u should get a 125......same size just a little less power until u are fully comfortable on it then u can move 15 too

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