
What size does a body of water start making waves?

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ie pond lake




  1. Gravity determines the answer of that. Are you trying to find out what gravity is, Well i can tell you that it is a closely guarded secrate of the government of mars.

    I won't tell you.

  2. my sink has ripples..

    waves usu come from wind and boats........

  3. I have seen waves on an inland reservoir (Rutland Water) UK.

    It was a stormy day, the waves made a noise like the ocean waves, and the boats werebobbing up and down - I was glad I was on the shore.  

    I visit there often but have only seen this once - a few years ago.

  4. a wave is a disturbance  of the surface of a body of water by any agency. Normally waves are caused by the friction between the wind.(moving air) and the surface of the water. irrespective of the size of the body  of the water. The size of the wave is controlled by the fetch, that is the distance the wind blows without inter ruptions to its path. Also the force of the wind is important. THe bigger the force, the bigger the fetch the bigger the wave.

  5. That depends on how you define a "wave".

    If you mean any disturbance on the surface of liquid body (not necessarily water) then even breathing softly on a tiny amount will cause a wave.

  6. If you mean tides (Waves are generated by the wind and   disturbances in the water), then ALL water is affected by them, but obviously in your bath tub  the effect is so miniscule as to be un noticable- the average tidal range on earth is about 3 metres- the average depth of the ocean is about 3 kilometers.

  7. beach, ocean. the form starts to form when theres a wind.

  8. A funcion of wind speed and distance but depends on what you call a wave.

    A foot high wave could be created by strong steady wind and 2-3 miles of open water.

    There is probably a formula but I'm not a physicist or oceanographer.

    See "Endless Summer" movie for info about waves on lakes.

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